[Update]It seems that there is a [link id=’777′ text=’problem with the latest version’] of the plugin. So keep in mind, that the following steps only work with the 2.0b2 version![/Update]
Today I’ve tried to use the very nice Infinite Scroll Plugin that allows automatic loading of additional posts as soon as the user reaches the last post on the blog. So there’s no need for paging to old posts anymore – sweet. Although the developer says it should work out of the box for most of the themes, it didn’t work for mine – Lightword :).
First, you have to configure the so called Selectors that will target the html elements that will be modified by Infinite Scroll. Without correctly configured Selectors, lazy loading won’t work. For the Lightword theme, the following Selectors worked for me:
- Content Selector: #content-body
- Posts Selector: #content div.post
- Navigation Selector: div.newer_older
- Next Page Selector: div.newer_older span.older a
You can configure those Selectors under Settings/Infinite Scroll. Besides the Generel tab, there is the Selector tab. After that, on-demand loading should work when you reach the last post on the blog. Weiterlesen…