Hibernate GenerationType.AUTO dialect overview

When using Hibernate it quickly comes to the point, where you have to decide how your @Id attribute of your entity should be generated. JPA offers four possible options

  • AUTO

For a description of these see the Javadoc of GenerationType.

If you have decided to take IDENTITY or SEQUENCE in the past, this can be a problem when supporting new databases in the future. Sadly, most of the databases don’t support both GenerationTypes. That is a bummer, because you have to decide early during development which GenerationType to choose. No matter which you’ve chosen, it’s the wrong one if it’s not TABLE or AUTO :).

If you now think, simply changing the GenerationType to AUTO fixes the problem, you can get into serious trouble!

Imagine your application used IDENTITY in the past and already supported MySQL and MSSQL as possible databases. Now a new requirement comes in to support Oracle as well. The first you encounter will be an exception from Hibernate, telling you that Oracle doesn’t support the IDENTITY generation. What comes next to your mind may be, that simply switching to AUTO will fix the problem. Since Hibernate will choose the “right” generator depending on the database. But what if the “right” generator for the already existing databases like MySQL and MSSQL isn’t IDENTITY? It surely won’t work with your existing production databases anymore – and might even damage those!

So before switching to AUTO, you should make sure that the chosen GenerationType in the past (e.g. IDENTITY) matches the current Hibernate “native” generator for the used Dialects. This is because Hibernate maps JPA GenerationType.AUTO to its “native” generators.

Since I haven’t found any documentation about Dialects and their AUTO/”native” generators – not even in the Hibernate documentation – I’ve created a little matrix that shows the results for each Dialect:


[expand title=”Hibernate 3.3.1 which ships with JBoss 5.1.0″]

Dialect Supports Identity Supports Sequence AUTO/native
Cache71Dialect true false IdentityGenerator
DB2390Dialect true false IdentityGenerator
DB2400Dialect true false IdentityGenerator
DB2Dialect true true IdentityGenerator
DataDirectOracle9Dialect false true SequenceGenerator
DerbyDialect true false TableHiLoGenerator
FirebirdDialect false true SequenceGenerator
FrontBaseDialect false false TableHiLoGenerator
H2Dialect true true IdentityGenerator
HSQLDialect true true IdentityGenerator
InformixDialect true true IdentityGenerator
IngresDialect false true SequenceGenerator
InterbaseDialect false true SequenceGenerator
JDataStoreDialect true false IdentityGenerator
MckoiDialect false true SequenceGenerator
MimerSQLDialect false true SequenceGenerator
MySQL5Dialect true false IdentityGenerator
MySQL5InnoDBDialect true false IdentityGenerator
MySQLDialect true false IdentityGenerator
MySQLInnoDBDialect true false IdentityGenerator
MySQLMyISAMDialect true false IdentityGenerator
Oracle10gDialect false true SequenceGenerator
Oracle8iDialect false true SequenceGenerator
Oracle9Dialect false true SequenceGenerator
Oracle9iDialect false true SequenceGenerator
OracleDialect false true SequenceGenerator
PointbaseDialect false false TableHiLoGenerator
PostgreSQLDialect true true SequenceGenerator
ProgressDialect false false TableHiLoGenerator
RDMSOS2200Dialect false true SequenceGenerator
SAPDBDialect false true SequenceGenerator
SQLServerDialect true false IdentityGenerator
Sybase11Dialect true false IdentityGenerator
SybaseAnywhereDialect true false IdentityGenerator
SybaseDialect true false IdentityGenerator
TeradataDialect false false TableHiLoGenerator
TimesTenDialect false true SequenceGenerator



[expand title=”Hibernate 4.0.1 which ships with JBoss 7.1.1″]

Dialect Identity Sequence AUTO/native
CUBRIDDialect false true SequenceGenerator
Cache71Dialect true false IdentityGenerator
DB2390Dialect true false IdentityGenerator
DB2400Dialect true false IdentityGenerator
DB2Dialect true true IdentityGenerator
DataDirectOracle9Dialect false true SequenceGenerator
DerbyDialect true false IdentityGenerator
DerbyTenFiveDialect true false IdentityGenerator
DerbyTenSevenDialect true true IdentityGenerator
DerbyTenSixDialect true true IdentityGenerator
FirebirdDialect false true SequenceGenerator
FrontBaseDialect false false TableHiLoGenerator
H2Dialect true true IdentityGenerator
HSQLDialect true true IdentityGenerator
InformixDialect true true IdentityGenerator
Ingres10Dialect true true IdentityGenerator
Ingres9Dialect false true SequenceGenerator
IngresDialect false true SequenceGenerator
InterbaseDialect false true SequenceGenerator
JDataStoreDialect true false IdentityGenerator
MckoiDialect false true SequenceGenerator
MimerSQLDialect false true SequenceGenerator
MySQL5Dialect true false IdentityGenerator
MySQL5InnoDBDialect true false IdentityGenerator
MySQLDialect true false IdentityGenerator
MySQLInnoDBDialect true false IdentityGenerator
MySQLMyISAMDialect true false IdentityGenerator
Oracle10gDialect false true SequenceGenerator
Oracle8iDialect false true SequenceGenerator
Oracle9Dialect false true SequenceGenerator
Oracle9iDialect false true SequenceGenerator
OracleDialect false true SequenceGenerator
PointbaseDialect false false TableHiLoGenerator
PostgreSQLDialect true true SequenceGenerator
PostgresPlusDialect true true SequenceGenerator
ProgressDialect false false TableHiLoGenerator
RDMSOS2200Dialect false true SequenceGenerator
SAPDBDialect false true SequenceGenerator
SQLServer2005Dialect true false IdentityGenerator
SQLServer2008Dialect true false IdentityGenerator
SQLServerDialect true false IdentityGenerator
Sybase11Dialect true false IdentityGenerator
SybaseASE157Dialect true false IdentityGenerator
SybaseASE15Dialect true false IdentityGenerator
SybaseAnywhereDialect true false IdentityGenerator
SybaseDialect true false IdentityGenerator
TeradataDialect false false TableHiLoGenerator
TimesTenDialect false true SequenceGenerator



If you would like to check other versions of Hibernate, simply download the Maven/Eclipse project, change the Hibernate version in the pom, and call “mvn test” to get the results.

In the meantime, the Hibernate documentation mentions the problems with portability of id generation and recommends to use the enhanced identifier generators for new projects.